Guerriero Litigation

Administrative, Labour and Employment Law

Practice Areas

Administrative Law

Regulated professions in Ontario are covered by various statutory frameworks, and ultimate supervision of the exercise of such powers by the common law Courts. My practice is based on insights gained both as licence holder and as in various capacities working and volunteering within these self-regulated professions. My firm represents both applicants who seek entry in these regulated professions; and licence holders who are subject to regulatory proceedings before regulators. Regulators are bound to act in the public interest under the enabling legislation delegated to them by the Ontario Legislature, and to do so under the rules of procedural fairness and principles of natural justice. My firm handles first instance regulatory hearings. We also assist in either launching statutory appeals or applications for judicial review of either regulator action, or from tribunal decisions. Depending on your needs and your objectives, we can either represent your interests to the applicable Court, or assist you under limited scope retainers.

Labour Law

Unfortunately, either due to economic downturns or outdated perspectives, Employers often engage in anti-union avoidance tactics, or sometimes engage in legally improper activities which undermine the maintaining of respectful employer-employee relations. My firm can provide advice during union organizing campaigns, as to how employers (especially delegated authority regulators) should conduct themselves during unionization campaigns which are protected under the Canadian Charter, so as to not to run afoul of the applicable provincial or federal labour relations legislation. My experience is gained from working in supervisory capacities in both unionized industrial and non-unionized workplaces.

Guerriero Litigation Justice

Employment Law

The duty of good faith in the employer-employee relationship is one the core characteristics protected by this area of law. The duty of good faith comes to the forefront especially at the time when the employment relationship is about to end for whatever reason invoked by an employer. While employers have the right to end an employment relationship, the inherent power imbalance is subject to Notice requirements, or the duty to provide pay in lieu to the affected employee. In addition, the manner of dismissal must be done respectfully, so as to avoid various statutory or possible common law claims for damages that flow from improper terminations. My firm can guide either employers or employees in conflict-resolution facing these situations, either by negotiation, or through litigation in either Administrative or Court proceedings as the case may be.